Edit Sort Expression Dialog Box of the Report Wizard
Use this dialog box to edit the information for a sort.
Note: Only the sort owner can edit the sort.
General Sort Properties
Field | Description |
Name | This field refers to the name of the sort for which a sort expression is being created. This field is read-only. |
Owner | Click to select a user who is the owner of the sort being created. The user currently logged on is the default owner. |
Sort grid
Field | Description |
Sort | Use this column to control the order in which the data is sorted. |
Field | Use this field to control the fields where the data is sorted. |
Sort Options
Field | Description |
Sort Order | Select one of the following options:
Share this sort with the following group | Use this field to enter the name of the group with whom you want to share the sort. You can also click
to select a group.
Note: If you leave this field blank, the sort is considered personal.
Parent Topic: Manage Sorts Dialog Box of the Report Wizard
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